Faculty of Science is one among the five pioneer Faculties that the University took-off with in 2011. The faculty started at the old site and the first Lecture started in January 2012.
In 2016/2017 session, Faculty of Basic medical Science was created out of the Faculty of science with four Department vize; Human anatomy, Human physiology, Pharmacology and Public health. The faculty was moved from it temporary location at the old site to the permanent site of phase II in 2016. In 2019, the Department of Mathematics was change to the Department of Mathematical Sciences as two (2) additional programs namely Statistics and Computer Science were mounted. Hence the faculty currently have seven Departments running ten (10) programs.
The faculty started with six (6) Department and seven (7) Programs with Dr. Munkaila Kashimbila Maigari as the pioneer Dean. The Six Departments were Biochemistry, Biological sciences, chemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology and Physics. The seven programs were Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics and Zoology. In 2015/2016 session, five additional Departments were created Namely Science Laboratory Technology, Pharmacology, Human anatomy, Public health and Human physiology which brought the total Department to 11 and 13 programs.
The Faculty started with the initial take off of Fifty eight (58) number of students which spread across the various programs in the faculty. The population of students keep increasing geometrically due to increasing competition among the large number of applicants seeking for admission into the faculty every year. This results in the total population of over six thousands students in the faculty today.
Dr. Haladu Ali Gagman is the current and the fourth Substantive Dean of the Faculty. He assume office January 2024. Dr. Haladu Ali Gagman is a Native Read More
For the first time in the History of the University, the management of the University in the beginning of 2023/2024 session introduced the nomination of Heads Department through normal democratic ideal. Hence all the current Heads of Departments were either elected or smoothly nominated through simple consensus by the academic staff of the department. The current Heads of Departments are as follows;
- Dr. Bashir Mohammed Abubakar – Senior Lecturer (Biological Sciences)
- Dr. Abubakar Sadiq Chadi – Lecturer I (Chemistry)
- Dr. Dauda Abubakar – Senior Lecturer (Physics)
- Dr. Ibrahim Musa Moi – Senior Lecturer (Microbiology)
- Dr. Ibrahim Gambo – Senior Lecturer (Mathematical Sciences)
- Mrs. Zinautu Mohammed Suleiman – Lecturer I (Biochemistry)
- Mal. Abdulhamid Omar – Lecturer I (Science Laboratory Technology)
For every Department there are Laboratories with capacity that carry all the students and the laboratories are well equipped with Modern scientific instruments and are well stocked with analytical reagents. The take-off Laboratories for the Departments of Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology and Physics are still in the old site, well equipped and still functional. In the permanent site, faculty of Science Phase I houses life Science which comprises of four Departments; Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Microbiology and Science Laboratory Technology. Each Department has 2 Standard laboratories were that of microbiology and Biochemistry are well equipped. Plan to equip Science laboratory technology and Biological Sciences laboratories is underway. All the laboratories are sizable enough to accommodate more than 100 students in a single practical at a time. Phase II houses the physical Sciences which include Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There are two Standard Computer Laboratories in Phase II. Each of the laboratory contains up to 50 computers.
The Department of Arabic also commenced its PG programmes during the 2018/2019 session. It has graduated three (3) PhD, thirty (30) master’s and six (6) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) candidates with specialty in Arabic language studies. The Department is also running a part-time Bachelor of Arts (BA) programme at Yuli Campus, Bauchi, of which the first set of candidates are currently in their sixth session.
Similarly, the Department of Islamic Studies had also commenced its PG programmes the same 2018/2019 session. It has also graduates a number of PhD and master’s candidates. It is also running a part-time Bachelor of Arts (BA) Islamic Studies at the Yuli Campus, Bauchi. Recently, the Department of English and Literary Studies got the nod from the NUC to embark on postgraduate programmes. The approval covers Master of Arts (English Language), Master of Arts (Literature), Master of Arts (Oral Literature), PhD (English Language), PhD (Literature) and a part-time Bachelor of Arts (BA) English Language. The programmes have already commenced at the beginning of the 2022/2023 session and the first set of candidates are currently getting set for their second semester examinations.
The Faculty has a well registered online Journal Known as Gadau Journal of Pure and Allied Sciences (GJPAS), GJPAS is a journal of the Faculty of Science, Bauchi State University Gadau (BASUG), and welcomes submissions of full-text research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editor.
GJPAS is an interdisciplinary journal that aims at providing an avenue for modern scientific and highly visible research platforms for publication of science-oriented research. GJPAS is an open access, peer-reviewed, inter- and multidisciplinary scientific journal that is dedicated to achieving and expanding access to scientific research, increasing Nigerian, African and international scientific collaboration. It also aims at building academic culture and research capacity in areas of science and technology. It’s a platform that give the opportunity for researchers to showcase their findings to global research peers.
GJPAS publishes articles online immediately after an article is accepted for publication. The journal welcomes and publishes articles from all scientific disciplines in the following categories: CHM – Chemistry, CSIT – Computer Science and Information Technology, LIFS – Life and Health Sciences, MATS – Mathematical Sciences, MRI – Microbial Research and Innovations, NNB – Nano science, Nanotechnology and Bioinformatics, PHY – Physical Sciences, SP – Sciences and Policy, PNP – Phytochemistry and Natural Product. -GJPAS is a dynamic Journal that publishes its current issue online as soon as it is available and it comes into existence in 2022.