Establishment of a State University

SAZU: Created and Thriving.

Sa’adu Zungur University, Bauchi State was established in 2011 but took up in January 2012, as a multi-campus University with 3 campuses, namely; Misau, Bauchi (Yuli) and Gadau (main campus). The University took up full academic activities in the 2011/2012 academic session. Later on another campus (Jama’are) came board to house Faulty of Agriculture but was recently taken over by the Federal College of Education, and the faculty is has now been moved to the main campus. .

The University has had two Vice Chancellors (Prof Ezeldeen Abdulrahman and Prof Auwal Uba) and an interim administration before the appointment of the Current Vice Chancellor  (Prof Fatimah Tahir)

Our approach

Our Mission Statement

Through its teaching and research activities SAZU is expected to be a significant contributor in extending the various frontiers of knowledge for the benefit of its student and society at large.

Our Vision Statement

The vision of SAZU is to become a center of excellence in scholarship in as many academic disciplines as may be needed in response to intellectual and other development needed of the people of Bauchi State in particular and nation at large.

Our Philosophy

SAZU will be an environment conducive for freedom of thoughts expression of enquiry for all. To this end, its doors will be open to all staff and students – irrespective of creed, gender and religious belief. The overall philosophy is to endeavor in seeking the truth and disseminating same for the good of all mankind.

To realize its vision and mission, Sa’adu Zungur University must work assiduously to achieve the following objectives as pre-condition:
– Identify, recruit and or attract the finest staff manpower to carry out its vital traditional functions of teaching, research and community service.
– To encourage the advancement of learning and to hold out all person without distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction, the opportunity of acquiring higher and liberal education.
– To provide courses of instruction and other facilities for the pursuit of learning in all its campuses, and to make those facilities available on proper terms to such persons as are equipped to benefit from them.
– To encourage, promote scholarship and conduct research in all field of learning and human endeavours.
– To relate the activities to the social and economic needs of the people of Nigeria.
– To undertake any other activities appropriate for a University of the highest other.

Principal Officers

Sa’adu Zungur University SAZU, Bauchi State

Vice Chancellor
Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic
Deputy Vice Chancellor Admin
University Librarian
Vice Chancellor

Professor Fatimah Ja’afar Tahir

Fatimah Ja’afar Tahir, the second female Professor from Bauchi state and the first female Professor of Microbiology produced by Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Bauchi. Prof Fatima was appointed the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) in 2018. She was born on 8th February 1966 and undergone all her educational pursuit in Bauchi.
Her outstanding academic achievements and tertiary education beginning from Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees were obtained at ATBU Bauchi. Equally, her professional career from Graduate Assistant in 1991 to the enviable rank of Professor of Microbiology 2009, were all accomplished in ATBU Bauchi.

Professor Fatimah Tahir has over 40 publications in reputable journals and has supervised many postgraduate students at Master’s and PhD levels.

She is a fellow of the Nigerian Society for Microbiolog (NSM) and a member of other relevant learned societies, including Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM).

She has held so many administrative responsibilities in the university which include among others; Head of Department (Gombe State University), Director Academic Planning (Sa’adu Zungur University, SAZU), Dean School of Postgraduate studies (ATBU), DVC Academics (NAUB), one time Acting Vice Chancellor NAUB and is currently the Vice Chancellor, Sa’adu Zungur University, SAZU, Bauchi State.

Prof Tahir has served and is serving in Governing Councils, and Boards of College of Education, Universities and many NGOs in Nigeria. A reputable researcher, Prof Tahir is lead researcher and member of many research groups in ATBU, including the Tetfund ATBU research groups and a beneficiary of the Third World Organisation of Women in Science (TWOWS) research grant award.

She is an external examiner to many other Nigerian Universities and have assessed at least 10 associate Professors/Readers up to 8 Professors for Universities across the country.

Prof Fatimah is very active in community services, contributing her quota to the development of the country.

Professor Tahir is a member of tetfund’s National Research Fund (NRF) and has for the past 10 years been a resource person on the PTDF’s panel for selection of scholars for award of fellowship.

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic

Dr Ahmed Salisu Garba

Deputy Vice Chancellor Admin

Professor Aminu Umar Kura

Aminu Umar Kura is a Medical Doctor and a professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology born in 1978 and had his educational pursuit in Yobe, Kano, Zamfara, Sokoto and Malaysia.

Prof Kura was appointed Dean School of Postgraduate studies in February 2023, Dean Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences from 2016-2023, HOD Department of Pharmacology 2016-2018 of Sa’adu Zungur University, SAZU.

His carrier started as medical officer in Kazaure and later Gusau before the pursuance of PhD in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) followed by a year job as Pos-Doctoral researcher in the Laboratory of Vaccine and immunotherapeutic Institute of Biosains of the same UPM Malaysia. Kura is currently a professor in the department of Pharmacology where he started his academic carrier as senior lecture in 2016.
Professor Aminu Kura has over 40 research articles and conference publications in reputable journals mostly in arear of drug delivery using nanotechnology in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases management. He has supervised many postgraduate students and is a member of the Nigerian Medical Association, American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and West African Society of Pharmacologist (ASM). Kura has served and is serving in Governing Councils of Sa’adu Zungur University, SAZU, served as Board member of Bauchi State Specialist Hospital Bauchi and a patron to many student union bodies. Aminu Kura is a lead researcher and co-researcher in many grant among which are NRF and IBR. He is an external examiner to Bayero University Kano Department of Pharmacology and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi Department of Pharmacology. He is a reviewer and editorial member to several reputable journal here in Nigeria and internationally.

University Librarian

Mrs. Hajaratu Pisagih (Ag Univ Librarian)

Mrs Hajaratu Clara Pisagih is a Deputy University Librarian she a masters degree holder from University of Maiduguri.

She was at one time the Librarian of Federal Polytechnic Bauchi.

She is the Acting Librarian to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi. 

She taught Library Science Students at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University and GNS in Federal Polytechnic Bauchi.

Hajaratu has 27 published papers, both National and International. 

She is a member of Library Registration Council of Nigeria and is a member of Association of Women Librarians (AWLIN) in Nigeria. 

She is currently the Acting Librarian to Bauchi State University Gadau 


Ahmed Garba Hassan

Ahmed Garba Hassan is the current Registrar at Bauchi State University, Gadau, born in the year 1967 in Bauchi Local Government area, Bauchi State.

He started his primary education in Shekal primary School in the year 1975, and later proceeded to Government secondary school Kafin Madaki, where he obtained his West African Examination council (WAEC) in 1986.

He then proceeded to University of Maiduguri, where he obtained his B.Sc. in 1992

He obtained his Master of science in the University of Abuja, in 2004 and then proceeded for his Ph.D. programme, where he obtained his Ph.D (Pol. Economy and Development studies) in 2017.

He started his working career with Bauchi State University, Gadau as Registrar in 2023.

He has well written article published in reputable and peer–reviewed journal and several conferences attendance.

He is also a member of many professional bodies.

He is happily married and blessed with children.


Alh. Ibrahim Adamu Nzalla

Alhaji Ibrahim Adamu Nzalla, CNA was born on September 2, 1964 in Lamba, Dull Ward, Bula District of Tafawa Balewa Local Government.

He completed his primary school education in 1971 at Unguwar Borno Primary School Bauchi in 1977.

He proceeded to the prestigious King’s College Lagos in 1977 and graduated in 1982 with a General Certificate in Education (GCE O’Level).

In 1983 he was admitted into the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa as one of its pioneer students. He graduated in 1985 with a National Diploma in Accountancy.

He was then employed by the National Teachers’ Institute in Kaduna and was posted to its Bauchi State Office in April 1986.

In October 1990, he admitted into the Federal Polytechnic Bauchi for his Higher National Diploma in Accountancy where he graduated in 1992. For his national service, he was posted to Akwa Ibom state. His place of primary assignment was at Ikot Ibritam the headquarters of Oruk Anam Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom state from 1992 to October 1993.

He was transferred to the NTI headquarters in 1994.

He later attended Ahmadu Bello University Zaria 2004 to 2005 for a Post Graduate Diploma in Management and the Nigeria College of Accountancy Jos 2006 to 2007 for a Professional Diploma in Accountancy.
He was inducted as a Certified National Accountant in October 2008.
Between 1995 and 2012 he served in visually all the Units in the Bursary Department of the national Teachers’ institute, Kaduna where he rose to the position of a Chief Accountant in 2011.

He transferred his services to Bauchi State University Gadau as a Chief Accountant in February 2012. He was promoted to the rank a Deputy Bursar in October 2016.
At the expiration of the term of the Interim Management Committee, he was appointed the officer in charge of the Bursary Department in December 2017and worked as an Acting Bursar from December 2017 to April 2018.
He was appointed a substantive Bursar of Bauchi State University, Gadau for a single term of five years in May 2023.
In the course of his working carrier he has served in virtually every Section and Unit in the Finance Department and had the privilege of attending many short courses, conferences/seminars and workshops in management, education and in the accounting profession.
He has held many positions of responsibilities both at school, work place and the community level which include but not limited to:
1. Vice President NAPAS Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa
2. Vice President Muslim Students Society, Fed Polytechnic Nasarawa 1984 – 85
3. Chairman Jhar Dev. Association, Bauchi Branch 1989 – 1991
4. Platoon Leader and Corp Liaison officer while on NYSC in Akwa Ibom State
5. Fin. Secretary NTI Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd 1997 – 2010
6. Financial Secretary NTI Muslim Forum 2009 – 2011
7. Chairman, Jhar Development Association, Kaduna 1999 – 2012
8. Chairman PTA Federal Government College Azare 2016 – 2019
9. Patron, National Association of Tafawa Balewa, Dass and Bogoro Students Association, Bauchi State University, Gadau – 2017 to date
10. Patron, National Assoc. of Jhar Students, BASUG, Gadau – 2018 to date
He is widely travelled in Nigeria has visit a few countries in West Africa and has performed the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

His hobbies include reading, farming and sports.
He is happily married with many children.

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