Bauchi State University, Gadau


The University’s postgraduate programs focus on cultivating students with a strong inclination towards original exploration through both training and research. These programs aim to equip students with the skills to apply foundational concepts within their respective fields to tackle emerging challenges. The goal is to prepare students for demanding roles in Nigeria’s public and private sectors, while also readying them for teaching positions in higher education institutions and employment opportunities in international organizations.

These postgraduate courses are offered by various departments and faculties, overseen by the School of Postgraduate Studies. The Dean of Postgraduate Studies serves as the academic and administrative leader of the School, accountable to the Vice-Chancellor and the University Senate through the Board of Postgraduate School. This Board, led by the Dean and comprising representatives from all faculties offering postgraduate programs, manages all aspects related to postgraduate studies. This includes but isn’t limited to, admitting postgraduate students, developing curriculum, overseeing examinations, and recommending the conferral of postgraduate degrees.

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PhD, MSc, M.A, M. Ed, 

Professionals Masters, PGD, PGDE,

Postgraduate Diploma in Arabic

M.A. Arabic

M. A. English

With options in:

  1. M. A. English Language
  2. M. A. English  Literature
  3. M. A. English  Oral & Comparative Lit.

M.A. Islamic Studies

M.A. Hausa

PhD Arabic

PhD English

With options in:

  1. PhD English Language
  2. PhD English  Literature
  3. PhD English  Oral & Comparative Lit.

PhD Islamic Studies

PhD Hausa

Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology and Disease Control (PDEDC)

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services and Management (PDHSM)

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Education and Promotion (PDPHEP)

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Nutrition (PDPHN)

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (PGDPH)

Master of Public Health (MPH)

MSc Public Health

With options in:

    1. Epidemiology and Disease Control,
    2. Occupational Health and Safety,
    3. Maternal and Child Health (MCH),
    4. Public Health Nutrition,
    5. Health Services Management
    6. Health Economics
    7. Environmental Health
    8. Public Health General

PhD Public Health

With options in:

    1. Epidemiology and Medical Statistics,
    2. Environmental and Occupational Health,
    3. Health Systems, Policy, and Management

PGD Education

M.Sc. Ed. Biology Education

M.Sc. Ed. Chemistry Education

M.Sc. Ed. Mathematics Education

M.Sc. Ed. Physics Education

PhD Biology Education

PhD Chemistry Education

PhD Mathematics Education

PhD Physics Education

Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry

Postgraduate Diploma in Botany

Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry

Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology

Postgraduate Diploma in Physics

Postgraduate Diploma in Zoology

MSc Biochemistry

With options in:

    1. M.Sc. (General Biochemistry)
    2. M.Sc. (Environmental Biochemistry)
    3. M.Sc. (Clinical Biochemistry)
    4. M.Sc. (Biochemical Pharmacology and Toxicology)
    5. M.Sc. (Molecular Biology)
    6. M.Sc. (Nutritional Biochemistry)

MSc Chemistry

MSc Mathematics

MSc Microbiology

With options in:

    1. MSc (Medical Microbiology)
    2. MSc (Environmental or Food Microbiology)
    3. MSc (Industrial Microbiology)

MSc Physics

PhD Biochemistry

With options in:

    1. PhD (General Biochemistry)
    2. PhD (Environmental Biochemistry)
    3. PhD (Clinical Biochemistry)
    4. PhD (Biochemical Toxicology)
    5. PhD (Molecular Biology)
    6. PhD (Nutritional Biochemistry)

PhD Microbiology

With options in:

    1. PhD (Medical Microbiology)
    2. PhD (Environmental or Food Microbiology)
    3. PhD (Industrial Microbiology)

Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration

Master of Accounting and Finance (MAF)

Master of Banking and Finance (MBF)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

MSc Accounting

MSc Business Administration

MSc Public Administration

PhD Accounting

PhD Business Administration

PhD Public Administration

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics

Master of Developmental Economics (MDE)

Master of Petroleum and Energy Economics (MPEE)

Master of International Relation and Diplomacy (MIRD)

Master of Public Policy and development (MPPD)

MSc Economics 

MSc Political Science 

PhD Economics 

PhD Political Science 



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